LabLua is a research laboratory at PUC-Rio, affiliated with its Computer Science Department. It is dedicated to research about programming languages, with emphasis on research involving the Lua language. LabLua was founded on May 2004 by Prof. Roberto Ierusalimschy.
In these pages you can find information about current and past projects, publications and members. Please follow the links above to go to the other sections of the web site.
LabLua is available for training in Lua and consulting work in projects that use the Lua language. Contact Prof. Ierusalimschy for more details.
You can contact LabLua at lablua@inf.puc-rio.br. You can also contact LabLua by phone: +55-21-3527-1497 Ext. 4523
Rua Marquês de São Vicente 225, ITSGávea, Rio de Janeiro, RJ
In 2024, LabLua is participating Google Summer of Code (GSoC). This will be our ninth year in this awesome program! If you are interested you can check out our ideas list for project ideas and ways to get in touch with us.
The blog posts for our previous GSoC participations can be found here: 2024, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015.